Tomato Seedlings
This page provides comprehensive information on all tomato seedlings available for 2025, categorized into Cherry, New & Exciting, Paste, and Tried & True. Seedlings can be pre-ordered for $1, with the remaining balance due when you receive your plants.
Cherry Tomatoes
Great to have fresh cherry tomatoes in the garden to eat while you're harvesting!
Brad's Atomic Grape
Preorder SeedlingsMulti-colored savory tomatoes. Bred by Brad Gates of Wild Board Farms.
Lucky Bee
Preorder SeedlingsStill some green when ripe. Very sweet, but also fruity, salty and a little bit acidic too. Bred by Fred Hempel sold by Bene Seeds.
Napa Chardonnay
Preorder SeedlingsLight yellow with purple stripes, medium sweet & complex. Bred by Brad Gates of Wild Boar Farms.
Napa Rose
Preorder SeedlingsPink cherry tomato. Great looking with a very good flavor that is sweet rich. Bred by Brad Gates of Wild Board Farms.
New & Exciting Tomatoes - Preorder
These tomatoes are new to me, and I'm exicted to grow them. they come highly recommended! Want to grow with me??
Preorder SeedlingsDark shoulders with a sunset-colored base. Excellent flavor and production. These are incredibly rich, sweet, fruity and complex with a smooth and tender texture. 80d
Chupa Chubs
Preorder SeedlingsDark shoulders with a sunset-colored base. Excellent flavor and production. These are incredibly rich, sweet, fruity and complex with a smooth and tender texture. 80d
Midnight Sun
Visit Product PageStriking bicolor oxheart fruits that display vibrant yellow and pink hues. Fruity, tangy, and sweet flavors,Bred by Karen Olivier of Northern Gardener.75-80d
Purple Heart
Preorder SeedlingsHeart-shaped purple tomatoes. The deep crimson flesh is delicious, well-balanced flavor and dense, meaty texture. 70d
Rebel Starfighter Dippers Delight
Preorder SeedlingsCreated by Russ Crowe in Northern Vermont, this variety results from a cross between ‘Rebel Starfighter Prime’ and ‘King Aramis. 75d
Rebel Starfighter Kayleigh Anne
Preorder SeedlingsSmall heart shaped yellow with dark shoulders. Sweet, highly aromatic with almost floral notes, lighter that it's parent Rebel Starfighter Prime. 80d
Rebel Starfighter Prime
Preorder SeedlingsIf ever a tomato would be trending, this is the one. Amazing complex black tomato flavor. 70d
Sonrojo Monstor
Preorder SeedlingsLarge red oxheart with sweet and tart flavor. Very meaty, yet buttery soft and very juicy. 80d.
Paste Tomatoes - Preorder
The flavor of homemade tomato sauce with fresh tomatoes is the definition of summer.
Antho Pink Panther
Preorder SeedlingsRare, compact habit (only 3' tall), fruits that are speckled and striped with indigo, coral, red and strawberry-pink. 80d
Marzano Fire
Preorder SeedlingsRed paste tomato with yellow stripes, which is exceptional for roasting, saucing and drying. Marzano Fire plants are vigorous, semi-determinate and productive.Bred by Fred Hempel sold by Bene Seeds. 75-80d
Preorder SeedlingsMy standby paste tomato, compact habit (3' tall). Productive, low seed count and good flavor. Bred and introduced by Oregon State University in 1993. 80d
Tried & True Tomatoes - Preorder
I've grown all of these tomatoes and can attest to their greatness. Every year some get knocked off the island, and new ones take thier place.
Chocolate Lightening
Preorder SeedlingsLarge oblate, red tomato with dark stripes. Delicious, complex savory flavor. 80d
Preorder SeedlingsLarge heirloom with red and orange stripes. Great when you need a lot of tomato quantity (1-2lbs). Good in sauces and fresh. 85d
Rose de Berne
Preorder SeedlingsMichael Pollan's favorite tomato, well balanced sweet and salty flavors, amazing on sandwiches. 75d
Siberian Pink Honey
Preorder SeedlingsLarge pink oxheart tomatoes, most 1-2lbs, meaty texture, great for salsa and sauces. 75d
Sweet Scarlet
Preorder SeedlingsA late red tomato, but worth the wait, rich & sweet flavor, nice to have a first fruit so late in the season. Careful to have many others to tide you over until this is ready. 90d